Mother’s Love Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Camp David Roses
The Camp David rose, a hybrid tea variety, is prized for its large, fragrant blooms in pink and red set on long stems. Known for its classic single bloom per stem, disease resistance, and hardiness, it's popular for garden displays and cut flower arrangements.
A Camp David standard rose is a rose trained to grow on a tall stem, forming a bushy head of foliage and blooms at the top, resembling a tree rose. This variety involves grafting a Camp David hybrid tea rose onto a sturdy rootstock, elevating the blooms and foliage. Standard roses, including Camp David, are striking focal points in gardens.
Camp David is an extremely popular rose type with well-formed, full, double blooms in rich red. This rose variation is resistant to adverse weather and develops into a sturdy and healthy bush, making it perfect for smaller outdoor spaces. It repeats flowers from spring to winter and makes an excellent bare-rooted rose plant.