Mother’s Love Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Camp David Roses
As a sun-loving rose, Adolf Horstmann flourishes during the warmer months. The blooming season for Adolf Horstmann roses typically begins in late spring or early summer and continues throughout the summer and into the fall. The exact timing of the bloom can vary depending on your location and the weather conditions.
These roses are known for their large, double blooms and intense fragrance. It is important to note that the frequency and abundance of blooms can be affected by temperature, light exposure, water availability, and pruning techniques.
Adolf Horstmann is a hybrid tea rose cultivar. Hybrid tea roses are a cross between tea roses and hybrid perpetual roses and are known for their large, high-centred blooms on long, straight, hardy stems. They are a popular type of rose for both garden and cut flower use and are often grown for their beautiful and fragrant blooms. The Adolf Horstmann hybrid tea rose has large, double blooms and petals with a pink colour on its outer rows.
Yes, Adolf Horstmann roses are known for their strong and sweet fragrance. The scent of these roses is often described as a classic, old-fashioned rose fragrance with a strong and pleasant aroma that can fill a garden or room.
Adolf Horstmann roses are a popular type of rose that is used for a variety of purposes. This includes garden decorations, flower cutting, floral arrangements, and perfume making. Their attractive nature means you can add them to home borders and garden beds or keep them upright in vases.