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Mister Lincoln Roses Melbourne

A deep ruby rose perfect for every garden

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130 Old Geelong Rd

Hoppers Crossing

VIC 3029

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Monday - Saturday: 7 am–5 pm

Sunday: 10 am–3 pm

These hours are subject to change on public holidays

The best Mister Lincoln rose growing tips

How to plant Mister Lincoln roses

Planting Mister Lincoln roses is as easy as 1-2-3! The first step is to choose a location. They love the full sun, so select a spot with at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Next, dig a hole twice the size of your rosebush's root ball and mix in some organic compost or manure with the soil to add nutritional value. Finally, place your rosebush in the hole and fill it with dirt. Water it thoroughly, and you're done! Now all you have to do is sit back and have fresh cut flowers ready all season.

Close up of a red Mister Lincoln rose

How to care for Mister Lincoln roses

Keep Mister Lincoln rose bushes healthy by providing at least 1 centimetre of water per week or more if there is significant heat. Additionally, fertilise your roses after pruning about three times a year with a balanced fertiliser. If left unchecked, pests could invade your bush, so inspect often and address any activity immediately; aphid control with plant-based oils is recommended if an infestation occurs. With the right care, these beautiful blooms will be a mesmerising sight you can enjoy year in and year out.

Petals of a red Mister Lincoln rose

When are Mister Lincoln roses in season in Melbourne

Mister Lincoln roses normally come into season in the early spring months of September and October in Melbourne. As one of the earliest rose varieties to bloom, these beautiful and fragrant flowers bring life to gardens throughout the city. When in season, Mister Lincoln roses are popular among gardeners and flower aficionados alike for their strong fragrance, easy growing conditions, and mass planting abilities.

Mister Lincoln rose in bloom

Frequently asked questions

How to prune Mister Lincoln roses?

Pruning Mister Lincoln roses is essential for maintaining the health and beauty of your flower beds. Start by removing any dead or damaged branches, as they can act as a breeding ground for pests and infections. You should then cut back any thin or weak stems that don’t add to the desired shape of the bush. When pruning, use sharp pruning shears and make sure not to remove more than one-third of the bush at once. Making clean cuts will help reduce damage to the plant and encourage healthy new growth in place of the removed branches. Regularly pruning your Mister Lincoln roses ensures that your flower bed remains attractive and vibrant all season long!

How much water does Mister Lincoln roses need?

Mister Lincoln roses, also known as "hybrid tea roses, " are notoriously thirsty flowers, requiring substantial water to thrive. It is important to ensure that your Mister Lincoln roses are kept hydrated and sufficiently watered daily with at least one centimetre of water - if possible, more during extended heat or drought. 

What type of fertiliser does the Mister Lincoln rose require?

It needs the right fertiliser to ensure this beloved rose bush continues to thrive and produce its beautiful red blooms each year. An organic slow-release granular or water-soluble formulation is best suited for this type of rose, providing long-term nutrition over several weeks with minimal effort on the gardener's part. Read application instructions carefully and do not apply too much; otherwise, you may have more foliage than flowers.

Can Mister Lincoln be a bare root rose?

Mister Lincoln is a hybrid tea rose, popularly known as a shrub or bush rose, which are all types of bare-root roses. This means that Mister Lincoln can be planted successfully as a bare-root rose with proper drained soil preparation and some effort. If the roots remain undamaged, this type of rose can survive the transfer from its temporary potting environment to the ground if maintained properly. 

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