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What Plants are Toxic to Pets?

Garden advice
What Plants are Toxic to Pets?
All Green
All Green
February 6, 2023
minute read

Any pet owner knows that our furry friends have a knack for sticking their snouts into places they shouldn’t - and there’s no place around the home filled with more colours, aromas, and scents than our gardens. Therefore, it’s important to stay aware of the potential dangers that certain plants can pose to our pets. 

While creating an exotic and lush garden is a dream for many homeowners, we must do so while keeping our pets safe. To help you understand the do’s and don'ts when it comes to planting foliage in your garden as a pet owner, our expert team at All Green have outlined some toxic pet plants to steer clear of, potential symptoms of poisoning, and simple ways to prevent it from happening. 

Toxic Pet Plants - What to Look Out For

There are many poisonous and toxic plants, placed both indoors and outdoors, that could pose a threat to household pets. We’ve developed a list to help you steer clear of these common but hazardous house plants toxic to pets.

Common Outdoor Poisonous plants 


According to the RSPCA, lilies are particularly dangerous for cats. When cats digest even the smallest amount of any lily plant, it can cause intoxication and even death. Common signs of lily poisoning include depression, lethargy, abdominal pain and intense vomiting, and if left untreated, it can even lead to kidney or renal failure. 


Although a trendy flower found in many garden beds, tulips are actually a toxic plant for cats and dogs. The bulb of a tulip contains toxins that will negatively affect your pet’s gastrointestinal tract, causing difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, vomiting, and more. If your dog eats a tulip bulb or a few leaves, you must take them to the vet immediately for assessment. 


Although it is included in many oils used for human aromatherapy and skincare, eucalyptus is a poisonous plant for household pets. If your pet ingests any of its leaves, it could lead to oral irritation, excessive thirst, vomiting and weakness.

For more information on which outdoor plants are toxic for pets, read through Agriculture Australia’s toxic plants list

Common Toxic Indoor Plants 

Asparagus Fern 

Asparagus fern, also known as emerald feather or lace fern, is toxic to dogs and cats. This particular plant has a toxic agent called sapogenin and can be found in various indoor plants. If your pet ingests berries, it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, pain, and even skin inflammation. 

Dragon Tree 

Dragon tree, also known as corn plant, is a common indoor succulent that tends to be toxic for pets. It contains a toxic chemical compound called saponin which tends to make cats feel sick. Some common symptoms that may suggest your dog or cat are being impacted by an indoor dragon tree include vomiting (with or without blood), appetite loss, extreme drooling and dilated pupils. 

Aloe Plant

Even though aloe vera is commonly used as a gel or substance in modern medicine, the indoor plant can be incredibly toxic for dogs. When consumed, aloe vera can cause side effects such as vomiting, lethargy, tremors, and change in urine. If your dog loves staying indoors, then it may be worthwhile avoiding indoor aloe plants. 

What Plants Should I Keep Instead?

To protect your pets from the dangers of poisonous flora, opt for non-toxic plants that look beautiful and help your furry friends stay healthy. Some popular choices at All Green Nursery & Garden include the following: 

Outdoor Plants 

Choose from the following exotic plants to fill your outdoor oasis. They are non-toxic and safe for all furry friends to explore. 

  • Camellia 
  • Maidenhair fern 
  • Tree fern 
  • Boston fern 
  • Rosemary 
  • Sunflowers 
  • Bamboo 
  • Magnolia 
  • Hibiscus 

Indoor Plants 

Fill your space with greenery and keep your pet safe when you choose from the following non-toxic indoor plants

  • Spider plants 
  • Zanzibar gem 
  • Sterilitzia nicolai 
  • Strelitzia reginae
  • Golden cane
  • Bangalow
  • Cascade
  • Lady palm 

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