Mother’s Love Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Camp David Roses
Yes, Mother and Daughter roses are perfect for cut flower arrangements. Their large, aromatic flowers make stunning additions to any bouquet, and their lengthy stems are convenient for floral design. Harvesting these roses in the morning when they are most hydrated is advisable for the freshest cut. Cut just above a five-leaflet leaf using sharp, sanitised scissors or shears to promote further flowering. Immediately after cutting, place the stems into cool water with floral preservatives to extend their freshness in the vase.
Mother and Daughter roses are renowned for their captivating fragrance. These roses emit a powerful, sweet aroma reminiscent of the classic rose scent, making their fragrance one of their most enticing characteristics. This delightful scent is key to their popularity among gardeners and rose lovers. Whether planted in the garden or featured in cut flower arrangements, the enchanting fragrance of Mother and Daughter roses is guaranteed to please the senses, bringing an element of romance and elegance to any environment.
These large, soft-sulphur yellow double flowers sit atop tall, graceful stems, unfolding into a dense cluster of petals with a quartered, old-world form. They emit a gentle citrus and fruity aroma, blending into a sweet and refreshing fragrance that envelops any garden space. The Mother and Daughter rose variety is known for its robust and vigorous growth, featuring thick, leathery foliage. These disease-resistant roses come in bush and climbing varieties, making them versatile and attractive for any garden.