Mother’s Love Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Camp David Roses
Kardinal roses typically bloom from late spring to early fall, with the peak bloom period occurring in late spring or early summer. However, the exact blooming season can vary depending on location, climate, and growing conditions. Kardinal roses are generally known for their repeat blooming habit, which means they will produce flowers and green foliage throughout the growing season if they are pruned and cared for properly.
The Kardinal rose is a hybrid tea rose: a cross between a hybrid perpetual rose and a tea rose. Kardinal hybrid tea roses are known for their large, high-centred blooms that grow on long stems and are often used in cut flower arrangements. They typically bloom in flushes throughout the growing season and come in various colours, including pink, red, yellow, and white. The Kardinal rose, in particular, is known for its vibrant red blooms, making it a popular choice among gardeners and rose enthusiasts.
A Kardinal standard rose is a variety of the Kardinal rose grafted onto a tall stem, creating a small tree-like form. Standard roses, also known as tree roses, are a popular ornamental plant that can add height and structure to a garden. Kardinal standard roses are prized for their vibrant red blooms and are often used as a focal point in garden beds or as a standalone feature in pots or containers. They require the same care and maintenance as other Kardinal roses, including regular watering, fertilisation, and pruning to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms.