Mother’s Love Roses
Mother’s Love Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Camp David Roses
Camp David Roses
The Gold Bunny rose, a highly sought-after hybrid created in New Zealand in the mid-1980s, is a floribunda variety with a classic rose shape. It is a low-growing, compact rose bush with medium green foliage, light fragrance, and small clusters of soft gold blooms. As with other floribunda varieties, this type of rose does not produce any overhanging canes suitable for climbing and would require some training and support if you wish to grow it on an arch or trellis.
Generally, the peak period for Gold Bunny roses to fully bloom here is typically from July to October. Those lucky enough to access these elegant flowers can watch as they reach their highest level of beauty from September to October as temperatures become warmer and more conducive to supporting the delightful buds.
Gold Bunny roses are the perfect choice for any gardener living in Melbourne. These roses boast large, vibrant yellow petals with a compact light green bush, making them a visually striking addition to any garden. While their shallow roots make these plants more susceptible to water logging, their unique properties make them particularly well-suited to the hot and dry climate of the city. As they require less water than other plants, they are easily looked after with minimal effort - perfect for busy gardeners.
Gold Bunny roses can be grown as bare-root plants or potted roses for those who prefer to nurture them in a pot. When growing roses as bare-root plants, it is important to make sure they are planted in an area with plenty of sun exposure so they can bloom optimally.
On the other hand, if you want to grow them in a pot, you'll need to provide more frequent watering than you would with a traditional garden flowerbed due to the plant's shallow root system. Either method will let you enjoy these attractive flowers year-round and add a little something special to any garden or balcony!