Mother’s Love Roses
Mother and Daughter Roses
Graham Thomas Roses
Camp David Roses
Bonica roses, celebrated for their compact stature and delicate scent, are a favoured choice among garden roses. Typically, these standard-size Bonica roses grow under a metre tall, perfectly suiting them for smaller garden spaces or as border hedges. While size can be managed through pruning, avoiding over-pruning is important to preserve the plant's ability to flower abundantly. With sufficient room and sunlight, the bush can produce numerous five-centimetre-wide, semi-double pink blooms each spring.
The Bonica rose is a popular and prolific garden rose with hybridised parentage. It belongs to the Floribunda family, meaning it is an improved version of the hybrid tea rose. Floribundas are characterised by their clusters of flowers with several blooms on each stem that can last for several weeks in ideal conditions, making them a great choice for gardeners and floral arrangers alike.
Bonica roses thrive in soil that drains well and is enriched with organic materials, including a mix of garden loam and compost. Incorporating sand into this blend enhances drainage even more. Ideally, the soil pH should range from 6 to 7 since roses typically struggle in more alkaline conditions. To keep the soil nutrient-rich, applying fertiliser once or twice throughout the growing season is beneficial—adhere to the recommended rates and schedules the manufacturer provides. Surrounding these roses with a layer of mulch can also help retain moisture and suppress weeds effectively.
Bonica roses are a superb selection for Melbourne gardeners, thanks to their resilience in cooler climates. These roses are specifically bred for disease resistance and have successfully endured the chillier, damp conditions typical of such regions. Thriving from early spring through to late fall, Bonica roses showcase their splendid blooms primarily from October to April. For rose enthusiasts looking to add a robust and beautiful variety to their garden, the Bonica rose bush is an exemplary choice.